TS SSC Syllabus 2024-25 (Science, English, Hindi, Maths, SST)

Answer key

TS SSC Syllabus 2024-25- BSE, Telangana releases the syllabus of TS SSC 2024-25 in online mode. Candidates will be able to download the TS SSC 2024 syllabus pdf at bse.telangana.gov.in. TS 10th Board syllabus 2024 subject-wise will be available in PDF format. In Telangana Class 10 board exams, there will be 3 language papers and 6 non-language papers which are Social Science, Maths & Science. Candidates must make a study plan with help of the TS SSC 10th syllabus 2024. Read the article to get complete Telangana State Syllabus for 10th Class 2024.
Also Read- TS SSC Time Table

TS SSC Syllabus 2024-25 for English

The duration of the English exam will be of 3 hours. The theory paper contains 80 marks whereas the internal assessment contains 20 marks. Telangana State 10th class syllabus 2024 contains topics and subtopics that one need to prepare for final exams. 

TS SSC English Syllabus 2024

    Topic Reading Text
Personality Development 
  • Attitude is Altitude Biography
  • Every Success Story Is Also Narrative a Story of Great Failures Essay
  • I will Do It Biography
Wit & Humor 
  • The Dear Departed (Part – I) Play
  • The Dear Departed (Part – II) Play
  • The Brave Potter Folk Tale
Human Relations 
  • The Journey Narrative
  • Another Woman Poem
  • The Never-Never Nest Play
Film & Theatre 
  • Rendezvous with Ray Essay
  • Maya Bazaar Review
  • A Tribute Essay
Social Issues/Agrarian Issues 
  • The Storeyed House (Part- l)
  • The Storeyed House (Part- ll) 
  • Abandoned 
Bio – diversity 
  • Environment
  • Or Will the Dreamer Wake? 
  • A Tale of Three Village 
Nation & Diversity 
  • My Childhood
  • A Plea for India 
  • Unity in Diversity of India
Human Rights 
  • Jamaican Fragment 
  • Once Upon a Time 
  • What is my name? 

 TS SSC Syllabus 2024-25 for Social Science

In Social Science, there will be two papers. The first paper included History and Civics and the second paper contained Geography and Economics. Each paper of Social Science carries 40 marks. Check the Telangana 10th class social science syllabus 2024 below.

TS SSC Social Science Syllabus 2024

Theme                    Topic
India: Relief Features 
  • Geological background

Major relief divisions, – 

  • The Himalayas, 
  • The Indo-Gangetic plain, 
  • The Peninsular Plateau, 
  • The Thar Desert, 
  • The Coastal plains and the Islands.
Ideas on Development 
  • Income and other Goals
  • How to compare Different Countries or States
  • Income and other Criteria
  • Public Facilities
  • Human Development Report – India and its neighbours for 2015 data.
  • Development as progress over time
Production & Employment 
  • Sectors of Economy
  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
  • Changes in the importance of sectors: value of goods and services produced and employment of people
  • Employment – the working life in India
  • How to create more and better conditions of employment
Climate in India Context 
  • Climate and Weather
  • Climographs – India
  • Factors influencing climate and weather
  • Winter
  • Summer
  • Advancing monsoon,
  • Retreating monsoon
Indian Rivers & Water Resources 
  • The Himalayan Rivers: The Indus system, The Brahmaputra system
  • The Peninsular Rivers
  • Water use
  • Inflows and Outflows
  • Rational and equitable Use of water – a case study or Hivre Bazar of Maharashtra
The Population 
  • A survey our area (population)
  • What does the census show?
  • Age structure
  • Sex Ratio
  • Literacy Rates
  • Life Expectancy
  • Population Growth and Processes of Population Change
Settlement & Migration
  • What is a settlement?
  • Urbanisation in India
  • Indian settlements in hierarchy
  • Aerotropolis – jet – age city
  • Measure and classify migration patterns
  • Migration in India (census 2001, 2011)
  • Rural – Urban migration
  • Seasonal and temporary Migration
  • International migration
Rampur- Village Economy 
  • The story of Rampur village
  • Land and other natural resources
  • The story of Rampur village
  • Farming in Rampur
  • Land and other natural resources
  • Production across Countries
  • Interlinking Production Across Countries
  • Foreign trade and Integration of market
  • What is Globalisation
  • Liberalisation of foreign and foreign investment policy
  • Institutions of Global Governance
  • World Trade Organisation (WTO)
  • Impact of Globalisation in India
  • Small Producers?
  • The struggle for a fair Globalisation
Food Security 
  • Food security for the country
  • Increasing food grain production
  • Availability of Foodgrains
  • Other food items
  • Access to food
  • Public Distribution System(PDS)
  • Nutrition status
Sustainable Development with Equity 
  • Development again 
  • Environment and development
  • People’s Rights over environment
  • Towards sustainable Development with Equity
  • At Alternative Public Distribution system
The World between Wars 1900-1950 
  • World War
  • Causes of the two world wars compared
  • Aggressive nationalism, Imperialism, Secret Alliances, The Armaments Race, Militarism.
  • The special contest of the Second WorldWar
  • The treaty of Versailles
  • The League of nations
  • German Challenge to revengeful domination
  • The fear or Socialism and the USSR
  • Consequences of the WorldWars Enormous human cost Democratic Principles asserted
  • Second World War 1939-1945
  • New balance of power
  • New International Organisations Enfranchisement of women etc. 
National Liberation Movements in the Colonies 
  • China: two different phases.
  • Establishing the Republic
  • The Rise of the Communist Party of China
  • Establishing the New Democracy: 1949-1954
  • Land Reforms
  • Vietnam: Against two colonizers
  • The colonial experience
  • Emergence of Vietnamese Nationalism
  • The New Republic of Vietnam
  • The entry of the US into theWar
  • Nigeria: forming unity against the colonizers
  • British colonialism and the making of aNation
  • Independent and week Democracy Oil, environment and politics
National Movements in India- Partition & Independence 1939-1947 
  • The Muslim league
  • The Hindu Mahasabha and the RSS
  • The Pakistan Resolution
  • Who will make the British Quit India?
  • The popular upsurge 1946-48
Making of Independent India’s Constitution 
  • Revisiting the Indian constitution
  • Nepal Constitution preamble2007
  • Japan Constitution preamble1946
  • Constituent Assembly Debates
  • Draft constitution
  • The vision of the constitution
  • Debate on fundamental rights
  • The Constitution Today
The Election Process in India
  • Election system in India
  • The election commission
  • Political parties in the election
  • Conduct of elections at various levels
  • Voting mechanism
  • NOTA
  • The need for electoral reforms
Independent India (The first 30 years 1947-1977) 
  • First general elections
  • Election procedure
  • One-party domination in political system
  • Demand for State Reorganization
  • State Reorganization Act,1956
  • SRC – State is organization commission
  • Social and Economic change
  • Foreign policy and wars
  • Anti-Hindi agitation
  • Green Revolution
  • Bangladesh war
  • Emergency
Emerging Political Trends (1977-2007) 
  • Return of Democracy after emergency
  • Elections – 1977 – End of Emergency
  • Some important parties of 1970s BLD, Congress, CPI (M), DMK, Jan Sangh, SAD
  • Regional party -Telangana
  • Assam movement
  • The Punjab Agitation
  • The new initiatives of Rajiv Gandhi Era
  • Rise of Communalism and Corruption in High places

World & India 

  • After World War–II
  • UNO
  • Cold war(1945-1991)
  • Proxy war
  • Military alliances
  • Arms and space-race
  • NAM
  • West Asian conflicts
  • Growth of Nationalism in middle east
  • Peace movements
  • Collapse of the USSR
Social Movements in Our Times 
  • Civil Rights and Other Movements of the 1960s
  • Human Rights Movements in the USSR
  • Anti-nuclear and Anti-War Movements
  • Globalization, marginalized people and environmental movements
  • Greenpeace Movement in Europe
  • Bhopal Gas Disaster-related movements
  • Silent Valley Movement 1973-85
  • Movement of women for Social Justice
  • Aadavallu Ekamaite
  • Social mobilization on human rights
  • Meria PaibiMovement
The Movement for the formation of the Telangana State 
  • The merger of Hyderabad State with India
  • The Gentlemen’s Agreement
  • Mulki Rules
  • Movements in1990s
  • In the process of achieving Telangana
  • Telangana achieved
  • Prof. Jaya Shanker

TS SSC Syllabus 2024-25 for Science

Science paper is further divided into two parts by the Telangana Board. The first is Physical Science and the second is Biology. Both parts carry 50 marks each. Theory paper will be about 40 marks and 10 marks will be added to the internal assessment. 

TS SSC Science Syllabus 2024

        Topics                Sub – Topics 
Reflection of Lights at Curved Surface
  • Normal to the curved surface
  • Spherical mirrors, convex and concave mirrors
  • Pole, Focus, Centre of curvature, principle axis, Radius of curvature, Focal length
  • Formula for spherical mirrors – sign convention
  • Application of reflection – Solar Cooker, etc.
Acides, Bases & Salts 
  • Chemical properties of acids & bases
  • What do acids have in common? What do bases have in common?
  • Do Acids produce Ions only in Aqueous Solution?
  • Reaction of Acid, Base with water
  • Strength of Acid or Base – pH scale
  • Importance of pH in everyday life
  • Salts
  • Chemicals from common salt
Chemical Equations and Reactions 
  • Some daily life examples of chemical reactions.
  • Chemical equations – writing chemical equations, skeletal chemical equations, balancing chemical equations
  • Writing symbols of physical states, Heat changes, gas evolved and precipitate formed
  • Interpreting a balanced chemical equation
Refraction of Lights at Curved Surface 
  • Refraction of light at curved surface
  • Lenses
  • Rules for Ray diagram
  • Images formed by the lenses
  • Formula derived for thin lenses
  • Focal length of lens depends on the surrounding medium
  • Lens maker formula
Structure of Atom 
  • Spectrum
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum
  • Bohr’s model of a Hydrogen atom and its limitations
  • Quantum mechanical model of an Atom
  • Electronic Configuration of elements in their atoms nl rule, Energies of electronic energy levels (n+l) rule; Aufbau Principle, Pauli’s principle, Hund’s Rule of maximum multiplicity, Stable configurations
Human Eye & Colourful World 
  • Least distance of distinct vision, Angle of vision
  • Structure of human Eye – Focal length of human Eye lens, accommodation
  • Common accommodation defects of vision – Myopia, Hypermetropia, presbyopia
  • Prism
  • Scattering of light
Classification of Elements- The Periodic Table 
  • Need for the arrangement of elements in an organized manner
  • Doberieners Triads – Limitations
  • Newland’s law of Octaves
  • Mendeleev’s Periodic Table (Periodic law, Achievements & Limitations)
  • Modern Periodic Table.
Electric Current 
  • Electric current
  • Potential difference
  • How a battery or a cell works
  • Ohm’s law and its limitations, resistance, specific resistance, factors influencing resistance, electric shock
  • Electric Circuits
  • Electric power
  • Safety fuses
Chemical Bonding 
  • Chemical bond definition (brief explanation)
  • Electronic theory of Valence by Lewis and Kossel
  • Ionic and Covalent bonds: examples with Lewis Dot formulae
  • The arrangement of Ions in Ionic compounds
  • Factors affecting the formation of cation and anion
  • Shapes, bond lengths and bond energies in molecules
  • Valence shell electron pair repulsion theory etc.
  • Oersted Experiment
  • Magnetic field – field lines
  • Magnetic field due to currents
  • Magnetic force on moving charge and current carrying wire
  • Electric motor
  • Electromagnetic induction – Faraday’s law (including magnetic flux) – Lenz law
  • Generators and Alternating – Direct Currents
Carbon & its Compounds 
  • Introduction of Carbon compounds
  • Promotion of an Electron – Bonding in Carbon including Hybridization
  • Allotropes of Carbon
  • Versatile nature of carbon
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Bonding of carbon with other elements
  • Isomerism
  • Homologous series etc. 
Principles of Metallurgy 
  • Occurrence of Metals in nature
  • Extraction of metals from the Ores-activity series and related metallurgy, flow chart of steps involved in the extraction of metals from ore.
  • Corrosion-Prevention of Corrosion
  • Important Processes used in metallurgy
  • Flux
  • Furnace

TS SSC Biology Syllabus 2024

        Topics                  Sub – Topics 
  • Life process- Introduction
  • Photosynthesis
  • Nutrition in organisms
  • Digestion in human beings
  • Healthy points about oesophagus
  • Malnutrition
  • Internal structure of Heart
  • Cardiac cycle
  • Lymphatic system
  • Evolution of transport system
  • Blood pressure
  • Blood clotting
  • Transportation in plants
  • Respiration-discovery of gases involved in respiration
  • Respiratory system in human being
  • Cellular respiration
  • Respiration-Combustion
  • Evolution of gaseous exchange
  • Plant respiration
  • Excretion in Human beings
  • Excretory system
  • Structure of Nephron
  • Formation of urine
  • Dialysis-Artificial kidney
  • Accessory Excretory organs in human being (Lungs, skin, liver large intestine)
  • Excretion in other organisms
  • Excretion in plants
  • Excretion, Secretion
  • Growth of bacteria in milk.
  • Asexual reproduction
  • Sexual reproduction
  • Sexual reproduction in plants
  • Cell division-Cell cycle
  • Reproductive health-HIV/ AIDS
Control & Coordination 
  • Stimulus and response
  • Integrated system-Nerves coordination
  • Nerve cell structure
  • Pathways from stimulus to response
  • Reflex arc
  • Central nervous system
  • Peripheral nervous system
  • Coordination without nerves
  • Autonomous nervous system
  • Coordination in plants- Phytohormones
Coordination of Life Processes 
  • Hunger
  • Relation between taste and smell
  • Mouth- a mastication machine
  • Passage of food through oesophagus
  • Stomach is mixer
  • New Characters – variation
  • Experiments conducted by Mendal (F1 generation,F2 generation), Mendel’s Laws
  • Parents to offsprings
  • Evolution
  • Origin of species
  • Evolution- Evidences
  • Human Evolution
Natural Resources 
  • Case study- Agricultural land (past and present)
  • Case study- Water management
  • Water resources in the Telugu States
  • Natural resources around us
  • Forest Renewable resources
  • Fossil fuels
  • Conservation, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover

TS SSC Syllabus 2024-25 for Mathematics

Maths has been divided into two parts Paper- l & Paper- ll by the Telangana Board. Both parts carry 50 marks each. Theory paper will be about 40 marks where 10 marks will be added to the internal assessment.
Also Read- TS SSC Result

TS SSC Mathematics Syllabus 2024

        Units                    Topics 
Number System 
  • Real Number 
  • Logarithm
  • Sets and their representations 
  • Basic operations on sets
  • Polynomials
  • Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
  • Quadratic Equations
  • Progressions
Coordinate Geometry 
  • Coordinate Geometry Lines 
  • Similar Triangles
  • Construction
  • Tangents
  • Secants to a circle
  • Trigonometry
  • Applications of Trigonometry 
  • Surface Areas and Volumes
  • Statistics, Probability, Mathematical Modelling

How to Download TS 10th Syllabus 2024?

To download the Telangana SSC 10th syllabus 2024, you need to follow the steps which are mentioned below.
Also read- TS SSC Hall Ticket

  • Visit the official website of the Telangana Board at bse.telangana.gov.in 
  • Click on the “TS SSC Syllabus 2024” link displayed on the screen.
  • A new window will open with the syllabus in a pdf form. 
  • Download the TS 10th syllabus 2024 and save it. 

TS SSC Syllabus 2024 Marking Scheme

The marking scheme contains TS 10th subjects, theory marks and internal assessment marks which gives you an idea about the total marks of the subjects. 

Subjects  Theory Marks  Internal Assessment Marks  Total Marks 
First Language        80            20         100
Second Language        80            20         100
Third Language        80            20         100
Mathematics(Paper- l)       40           10         50
Mathematics(Paper- ll)       40           10         50
Biology        40           10         50
Physical Science        40           10         50
History & Civics       40           10         50
Geography & Economics        40           10         50

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