5 Successful Women Engineers of India

Successful Women Engineers of India

Successful Women Engineers of India– Engineering, the highly preferred professional education in India, is facing ups and downs. Due to the decreasing employability rate of engineers in India, the student’s enrolment rate is also declining with every passing year. Additionally, many engineers switch their career path after attaining an engineering degree. However, in the mist of the confusion of whether to opt for engineering or not, many engineers have brought the sky down to prove their worth. The career opportunities for a good engineer who has the right skills and urge to grow have increased to several folds. Tons of examples of successful Indian engineers are available around us, who have made our country proud on the global platform such as Sundar Pichai, the current CEO of Google have proved that nothing is achievable if you are the best in your field.

Likewise, there are many successful women engineers in India who have created fame through their hard work and focused approach. They have told the world that success doesn’t perceive the gender, caste or color, the only thing that matters is consistent efforts to achieve the goal. A few of them are mentioned here that helps you to stay motivated during your journey to be an engineer.

5 Successful Women Engineers of India

  1. Kalpana Chawala- First Indian Woman to Enter Space

An American astronaut, Kalpana Chawala is a name that no Indian will forget ever. She was the first Indian origin woman who entered in space. She has breached all the borders and proved that Indian women are much stronger and should not be compared with men. She has attained her graduation degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Punjab Engineering College and pursued her master’s in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington. Additionally, she earned a second Masters and a PhD in aerospace engineering from the University of Colorado Boulder.

  1. Priya Balasubramaniam- VP at Apple

Recently working as the vice president of Apple’s iPhone operations, Priya Balasubramaniam has attained a bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering from Bangalore University. She is responsible for the manufacturing of Apple’s iPhones. She has started her career as an Engineer at ABB and never turned back. She is now representing our country in the most renowned organization in the world. She believes in leading life on own terms and overlooked the haters.

  1. Raji Arasu (Ms. Venmal Arasu)- Sr. Vice President at Intuit

Currently working as the Sr. Vice President at Intuit, Raji Arasu has also worked as a Vice President of Engineering at Marketplaces at eBay. eBay entitled her as a “role model for women”. She has obtained a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from Pune University. She started her career with Oracle. She is a real inspiration for young women who want to make a bright career in technology as she has started from a lower level and reached to the member of boards in just 12 years. She has achieved the success because of her alignment with the technology.

  1. Nandini Ramani, Chief Operation Officer at Outcome Health

After qualifying masters in electrical engineering from IISc, Banglore, Nandani Ramani started her career with Satellite Imaging Group in 1993. She has worked with most popular organizations such as Twitter, Oracle Corporation, Makers Women and more. Her career journey was challenging but she has worked hard to list herself in the list of successful women. According to her vision, the world has plenty of options for technical women. She has faced her part of ups and downs but finally achieved her goal.

  1. Ruchi Sangvi- First Indian Woman Hired by Facebook

Founder of South Park Commons, Ruchi Sangvi has earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree in electrical computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. She has contributed to different world-famous organizations, such as Dropbox, Facebook and more. Her career started with Oracle and continuously moving ahead on the ladder of success.

Engineering aspirants should take inspiration from these successful women engineers of India if they want to excel in their career. The main thing that put them apart from the crowd is their unbreakable confidence and dedication. You have to keep the string of your life in your hand instead of relying on others.

Stay focused and do your best!

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