IIT JAM Syllabus 2025- Check the syllabus

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IIT JAM Syllabus 2025: The exam conducting body will release the syllabus of IIT JAM 2025. Candidates will be able to download the IIT JAM 2025 syllabus pdf from the official website. IIT JAM exam syllabus pdf contains chapter-wise important topics that candidates should prepare for the exam. Candidates are advised to prepare the entire IIT JAM syllabus  to score well in the exam. To get complete information regarding the IIT JAM Syllabus 2025, candidates need to scroll down to the article. 

IIT JAM Syllabus 2025

Candidates are suggested to go through the syllabus of JAM 2025 for all seven papers. The seven papers of JAM are Biological Sciences, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics and Physics. IIT JAM 2025 syllabus consists of all the information so check the official syllabus paper-wise which is provided below: 

IIT JAM Syllabus 2025 for Mathematics

Unit  Topics 
Functions of One Real Variable
  • Limit, 
  • Intermediate Value Property, 
  • Continuity, 
  • Differentiation, 
  • Rolle’s Theorem, 
  • Mean Value Theorem Taylor’s Theorem, 
  • L’Hospital Rule, 
  • Maxima and Minima.
Sequences and Series of Real Numbers
  • Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem, 
  • Cauchy Sequences, 
  • Subsequences. Absolute Convergence, 
  • Series of Real Numbers, 
  • Tests of Convergence for Series of Positive Terms – Comparison Test, 
  • Ratio Test, Root test, 
  • Convergence of Sequences, 
  • Convergence Criteria for Sequences of Real Numbers,
  • Bounded and Monotone Sequences, 
  • The sequence of Real Numbers, 
  • Leibniz Test for Convergence of Alternating Series.
Functions of Two or Three Real Variables
  • Limit, 
  • Continuity, 
  • Partial Derivatives, 
  • Differentiability, 
  • Maxima, and Minima.
Differential Equations
  • Orthogonal Trajectories, 
  • Homogeneous Differential Equations, 
  • Linear Differential Equations of Second Order with Constant Coefficients, Variable Separable Equations, Method of Variation of Parameters, Cauchy-Euler Equation, Ordinary Differential Equations of the First Order of the Form y’=f(xy), Bernoulli’s Equation, Integrating Factor, Exact Differential Equations
Integral Calculus
  • Integration as an Inverse Process of Differentiation, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, 
  • Definite Integrals and their Properties. Double and Triple Integrals, 
  • Calculating Surface Areas and Volumes using Double Integrals, Change of Order of Integration, 
  • Calculating Volumes using Triple Integrals.
Group Theory
  • Groups, 
  • Subgroups, 
  • Non-Abelian Groups, 
  • Abelian Groups, 
  • Cyclic Groups, 
  • Permutation Groups, 
  • Normal Subgroups, 
  • Group Homomorphisms and Basic Concepts of Quotient Groups, 
  • Lagrange’s Theorem for Finite Groups.
Vector Calculus
  • Scalar and Vector Fields, 
  • Divergence, 
  • Gradient, 
  • Curl, 
  • Line Integrals, 
  • Green, 
  • Stokes and Gauss Theorems, 
  • Surface Integrals.
Real Analysis
  • Interior Points, 
  • Closed sets, 
  • Limit Points, 
  • Open Sets, 
  • Bounded Sets, Connected Sets, 
  • Compact Sets, Completeness of R. Power Series (of Real Variable), 
  • Radius and Interval of Convergence, 
  • Taylor’s Series, 
  • Term-Wise Differentiation and Integration of Power Series.
Linear Algebra
  • Matrix Representation, 
  • Rank-Nullity Theorem. Rank and Inverse of a Matrix,
  • Determinant, Consistency Conditions, 
  • Solutions of Systems of Linear Equations,
  • Eigenvalues, and Eigenvectors for Matrices,
  • Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces, 
  • Linear Independence of Vectors, 
  • Basis, Dimension, 
  • Linear Transformations, 
  • Range Space, Null Space, 
  • Cayley-Hamilton Theorem.

IIT JAM Syllabus 2025 for Physics

Unit  Topics 
Mechanics and General Properties of Matter
  • Velocity and Acceleration in Cartesian,
  • Centrifugal and Coriolis Forces, 
  • Uniformly Rotating Frame, 
  • Kepler’s Laws, Motion under a Central Force,
  • Newton’s Laws of Motion and Applications, Polar and Cylindrical Coordinate Systems,
  • Gravitational Law and Field, 
  • Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces. Equation of Motion of the CM System of Particles, 
  • Center of Mass, Conservation of Linear and Angular Momentum, 
  • Elastic and Inelastic Collisions. Conservation of Energy, 
  • Variable Mass Systems.
Oscillations, Waves and Optics
  • Superposition of two or more Simple Harmonic Oscillators, 
  • Differential Equation for Simple Harmonic Oscillator and its General Solution, 
  • Damped and Forced Oscillators, 
  • Resonance, Lissajous Figures, 
  • Energy Density and Energy Transmission in Waves, 
  • Wave Equation, Traveling and Standing Waves in One-Dimension, 
  • Doppler Effect, Fermat’s Principle, 
  • Group Velocity and Phase Velocity. Sound Waves in Media
Mathematical Methods
  • Calculus of Single and Multiple Variables, Taylor Expansion, 
  • Partial Derivatives, 
  • Jacobian, Fourier Series, 
  • Imperfect and Perfect Differentials, 
  • Vector Algebra, Vector Calculus, 
  • Multiple Integrals, 
  • Green’s Theorem, 
  • Divergence Theorem, Stokes’ Theorem, Matrices and Determinants, 
  • Algebra of Complex Numbers, 
  • First Order Equations and Linear Second Order Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients
Electricity and Magnetism
  • Superposition of two or more Simple Harmonic Oscillators, 
  • Differential Equation for Simple Harmonic Oscillator and its General Solution, 
  • Damped and Forced Oscillators, 
  • Resonance, Lissajous Figures, 
  • Energy Density and Energy Transmission in Waves, 
  • Wave Equation, Traveling and Standing Waves in One-Dimension, Doppler Effect,
  • Fermat’s Principle, 
  • Group Velocity and Phase Velocity. Sound Waves in Media
Kinetic theory, Thermodynamics
  • Elements of Kinetic Theory of Gases, 
  • Specific Heat of Mono-, Di- and Triatomic Gases, 
  • Velocity Distribution and Equipartition of Energy, Ideal Gas, 
  • Van-Der-Waals Gas and Equation of State, Mean Free Path, 
  • Carnot Cycle, Zeroth Law and Concept of Thermal Equilibrium, 
  • Reversible, Irreversible and Quasi-Static Processes, 
  • First Law and its Consequences, Second Law and Entropy, 
  • Laws of Thermodynamics, 
  • Isothermal and Adiabatic Processes
Solid State Physics, Devices and Electronics
  • Crystal Structure, Miller Indices. X-Ray Diffraction and Bragg’s Law, 
  • Bravais Lattices and Basis, 
  • Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors, Variation of Resistivity with Temperature,
  • Fermi Level. P-N Junction Diode, 
  • I-V Characteristics, BJT, Characteristics in CB, CE, 
  • CC Modes,
  • Zener Diode and its Applications.
Modern Physics
  • Postulates of Special Relativity. 
  • Lorentz Transformations. Inertial Frames and Galilean Invariance, 
  • Time Dilation, Length Contraction, 
  • Relativistic Velocity Addition Theorem, Mass Energy Equivalence, 
  • Blackbody Radiation, 
  • Photoelectric Effect, Compton Effect, 
  • Bohr’s Atomic Model, X-rays.

IIT JAM Syllabus 2025 for Geology

Unit  Topics 
Structural Geology
  • Concept of Stratum, 
  • Contour, Outcrop Patterns, 
  • Maps and Cross Sections, Dip and Strike, Classification and Origin of Folds, 
  • Faults, Joints, Unconformities, 
  • Foliations and Lineations, Shear zones,
  • Stereographic and Equal-Area Projections of Planes and Lines, 
  • Computation of True Thickness of Beds from Outcrops and Bore-Holes.
  • Major Steps in the Evolution of Life Forms, 
  • Fossils and their mode of Preservation and Utility, Morphological Characters, 
  • Major Evolutionary Trends and Ages of Important Groups of Animals – Brachiopoda, 
  • Mollusca, Trilobita, Grapto litoidea, Anthozoa, Echinodermata; Gondwana Plant Fossils, 
  • Elementary Idea of Vertebrate Fossils in India.
The Planet Earth
  • Origin of the Solar System and the Earth, 
  • Geosphere and the Composition of the Earth, 
  • Shape and Size of the Earth, 
  • Earth-Moon System, 
  • Formation of Continents and Oceans, 
  • Dating Rocks and Age of the Earth, 
  • Volcanism and Volcanic Landforms, 
  • Interior of Earth, Earthquakes, 
  • Earth’s Magnetism and Gravity, 
  • Isostasy, Elements of Plate Tectonics, 
  • Orogenic Cycles, Geomorphology, 
  • Weathering and Erosion, 
  • Transportation and Deposition due to Wind, 
  • Ice, River, Sea, and Resulting Landforms,
  • Structurally Controlled Landforms.
  • Principles of Stratigraphy, Litho-, Chrono- and Biostratigraphic Classification, 
  • Distribution and Classification of the Stratigraphic Horizons of India from Archaean to Recent.
  • Definition and Classification of Rocks, 
  • Igneous Rocks-Forms of Igneous Bodies, Crystallization from Magma, 
  • Classification, Association and Genesis of Igneous Rocks, 
  • Sedimentary Rocks – Classification, Texture and Structure, Size and Shape of Sedimentary Bodies,
  • Metamorphic Rocks – Classification, Facies, Zones and Texture, Characteristics Mineral Assemblages of Pelites in the Barrovian Zones and Mafic Rocks in Common Facies
  • Symmetry and forms in Common Crystal Classes,
  • Physical Properties of Minerals, Isomorphism and Polymorphism, 
  • Classification of Minerals, 
  • Structure of Silicates, Mineralogy of Common Rock-Forming Minerals, 
  • Mode of Occurrence of Minerals in Rocks, Transmitted Polarized Light Microscopy and Optical Properties of Uniaxial and Biaxial Minerals.
Applied Geology Ground Water, Principles of Engineering Geology
Economic Geology
  • Properties of Common Economic Minerals, 
  • General Processes of Formation of Mineral Deposits, Physical Characters, 
  • Mode of Occurrence and Distribution in India both of Metallic and Non-Metallic Mineral Deposits, 
  • Coal and Petroleum Occurrences in India.

IIT JAM Syllabus 2025 for Chemistry

Unit of Physical Chemistry  Topics 
Basic Mathematical Concepts
  • Functions, Maxima and Minima, 
  • Integrals, Ordinary Differential Equations, 
  • Vectors and Matrices, 
  • Determinants, Elementary Statistics and Probability Theory
Theory of Gases
  • Equation of State for Ideal and Non-Ideal (Van Der Waals) Gases, 
  • Kinetic Theory of Gases, 
  • Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution Law, 
  • Equipartition of Energy.
Atomic and Molecular Structure
  • Fundamental Particles, 
  • Bohr’s Theory of Hydrogen-like Atom, Wave-Particle Duality, 
  • Uncertainty Principle, 
  • Schrödinger’s Wave Equation, Quantum Numbers, Shapes of Orbitals, 
  • Hund’s Rule and Pauli’s Exclusion Principle, Electronic Configuration of Simple Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules
  • Crystals and Crystal Systems, X-rays, 
  • NaCl and KCl Structures, Close Packing, 
  • Atomic and Ionic Radii, Radius Ratio Rules, Lattice Energy, 
  • Born-Haber Cycle, Isomorphism, 
  • Heat Capacity of Solids.
Chemical and Phase Equilibria
  • Law of Mass Action, Kp, Kc, Kx and Kn, 
  • Effect of Temperature on K, Ionic Equilibria in Solutions, 
  • PH and Buffer Solutions, Hydrolysis, Solubility Product, Phase Equilibria-Phase Rule and its Application to One-Component and Two-Component Systems, 
  • Colligative Properties
Chemical Thermodynamics
  • Reversible and Irreversible Processes, 
  • First Law and Its Application to Ideal and Nonideal Gases, 
  • Thermochemistry, 
  • Second Law, Entropy and Free Energy, 
  • Criteria for Spontaneity.
  • Beer-Lambert Law, Fundamental Concepts of Rotational, Vibrational, 
  • Electronic and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.
  • Gibbs Adsorption Equation, 
  • Adsorption Isotherm, 
  • Types of Adsorption, 
  • Surface Area of Adsorbents, 
  • Surface Films on Liquids.
  • Conductance and its Applications, Transport Number, 
  • Galvanic cells, EMF and Free Energy,
  • Concentration Cells with and without Transport,
  • Polarography, Concentration cells with and without Transport, 
  • Debey-Huckel-Onsagar Theory of Strong Electrolytes, 
  • Chemical Kinetics, Reactions of Various Order, Arrhenius Equation, 
  • Collision Theory, Transition State Theory, Chain Reactions – Normal and Branched, 
  • Enzyme Kinetics, 
  • Photochemical Processes, Catalysis.
Organic Chemistry
Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry and Stereochemistry
  • Electronic Effects (Resonance, Inductive, Hyperconjugation) and Steric Effects and its Applications (Acid/Base Property), 
  • Optical Isomerism in Compounds with and without any Stereocenters (Allenes, Biphenyls),
  • Confirmation of Acyclic Systems (Substituted Ethane/n-Propane/n-Butane) and Cyclic Systems (Mono- and Di-Substituted Cyclohexanes).
Qualitative Organic Analysis
  • Identification of Functional Groups by Chemical Tests, 
  • Elementary UV, IR and 1H NMR Spectroscopic Techniques as Tools for Structural Elucidation
Organic Reaction Mechanism and Synthetic Applications
  • Dozens Reaction, Wittig Reaction and McMurry Reaction, Pinacol-Pinacolone, 
  • Favorskii, Benzilic Acid Rearrangement, Dienone-Phenol Rearrangement, 
  • Baeyer-Villeger Reaction, Oxidation and Reduction Reactions in Organic Chemistry, Organometallic Reagents in Organic Synthesis (Grignard, Organolithium and Organocopper),
  • Diels-Alder, Electrocyclic and Sigmatropic Reactions, Functional Group Inter-Conversions and Structural Problems using Chemical Reactions, Chemistry of Reactive Intermediates (Carbocations, Carbanions, Free Radicals, Carbenes, Nitrenes, Benzynes etc…),
  • Hofmann-Curtius-Lossen Rearrangement, Wolff Rearrangement, Simmons-Smith Reaction, Reimer-Tiemann Reaction, Michael Reaction.
Natural Products Chemistry
  • Chemistry of Alkaloids, steroids, 
  • Terpenes, Carbohydrates, 
  • Amino Acids, Peptides and Nucleic Acids.
Aromatic and Heterocyclic Chemistry
  • Monocyclic, Bicyclic and Tricyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, and Monocyclic Compounds with One Hetero Atom, 
  • Synthesis, 
  • Reactivity and Properties.
Inorganic Chemistry
Main Group Elements (s and p blocks)
  • General concepts on Group Relationships and Gradation in Properties, 
  • Structure of Electron Deficient Compounds involving Main Group Elements
Periodic Table
  • Periodic Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, 
  • General Methods of Isolation and Purification of Elements, 
  • Chemical Bonding and Shapes of Compounds, Types of Bonding, 
  • VSEPR Theory and Shapes of Molecules, Hybridization, 
  • Dipole Moment, Ionic Solids, 
  • Structure of NaCl, 
  • CsCl, Diamond and Graphite, 
  • Lattice Energy
Transition Metals (d block)
  • Characteristics of 3d Elements, Oxide, Hydroxide and Salts of First Row Metals, 
  • Coordination Complexes, 
  • Structure, Isomerism, 
  • Reaction Mechanism and Electronic Spectra, 
  • VB, MO and Crystal Field Theoretical Approaches for Structure, 
  • Colour and Magnetic Properties of Metal Complexes, 
  • Organometallic Compounds having Ligands with Back Bonding Capabilities such as Metal Carbonyls, 
  • Carbenes, Nitrosyls and Metallocenes, Homogeneous Catalysis.
Bioinorganic Chemistry
  • Essentials and Trace Elements of Life, 
  • Basic Reactions in Biological Systems and the Role of Metal Ions, especially Fe2+, Fe3+, Cu2+ and Zn2+, 
  • Structure and Function of Haemoglobin and Myoglobin and Carbonic Anhydrase.
Instrumental Methods of Analysis
  • Essentials and Trace Elements of Life, Basic Reactions in Biological Systems and the Role of Metal Ions, especially Fe2+, Fe3+, Cu2+ and Zn2+, 
  • Structure and Function of Haemoglobin and Myoglobin and Carbonic Anhydrase.
Analytical Chemistry
  • Principles of Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, Acid-Base, 
  • Oxidation-Reduction and Complexometric Titrations using EDTA, 
  • Precipitation Reactions, Use of Indicators, 
  • Use of Organic Reagents in Inorganic Analysis, Radioactivity, Nuclear Reactions, 
  • Applications of Isotopes.

IIT JAM Syllabus 2025 for Biotechnology

Unit  Topics 
General Biology
  • Taxonomy, Heredity, Genetic Variation, Conservation, 
  • Principles of Ecology, 
  • Evolution, 
  • Techniques in Modern Biology.
Basic Biotechnology
  • Tissue Culture, Application of Enzymes, Antigen-Antibody Interaction, 
  • Antibody Production, 
  • Diagnostic Aids
Molecular Biology
  • DNA, RNA, Replication, 
  • Transcription, Translation, 
  • Proteins, Lipids and Membranes, 
  • Operon Model, Gene Transfer
Biochemistry and Physiology
  • Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, 
  • Nucleic Acids, Enzymes, Vitamins, 
  • Hormones, Metabolism – Glycolysis, TCA Cycle, Oxidative Phosphorylation, 
  • Photosynthesis, 
  • Nitrogen Fixation, Fertilization and Osmoregulation, 
  • Vertebrates-Nervous System, Endocrine System, Vascular System, 
  • Immune System, Digestive System, and Reproductive System.
Cell Biology
  • Cell Cycle, Cytoskeletal Elements, 
  • Mitochondria, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Chloroplast, 
  • Golgi apparatus, Signaling,
  • Bohr’s Theory and Schrodinger Wave Equation, Periodicity in Properties, 
  • Chemical Bonding, Properties of s, p, d and f block elements, Complex Formation, Coordination Compounds, 
  • Chemical Equilibria, Chemical Thermodynamics (First and Second Law), 
  • Chemical Kinetics (Zero, First, Second and Third Order Reactions), 
  • Photochemistry, Electrochemistry, 
  • Acid-Base Concepts, Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds, Inductive, 
  • Electromeric, Conjugative Effects and Resonance, 
  • Chemistry of Functional Groups, Hydrocarbons, Alkyl Halides, 
  • Alcohols, Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic Acids, Amines and their Derivatives, Aromatic Hydrocarbons, 
  • Halides, Nitro and Amino Compounds, Phenols, Diazonium Salts, 
  • Carboxylic and Sulphonic Acids, Mechanism of Organic Reactions, Soaps and Detergents, Synthetic Polymers, Biomolecules – Amino Acids, Proteins, 
  • Nucleic Acids, Lipids and Carbohydrates (Polysaccharides); 
  • Instrumental Techniques – Chromatography (TLC, HPLC), Electrophoresis, 
  • UV-Vis, IR and NMR Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry.
  • Isolation, Cultivation, 
  • Structural features of Virus, Bacteria, 
  • Fungi, Protozoa, 
  • Pathogenic Microorganisms
  • Sets, Relations and Functions, 
  • Mathematical Induction, Logarithms, Complex Numbers, 
  • Linear and Quadratic Equations, 
  • Sequences and Series, Trigonometry, 
  • Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates, Straight lines and Family, 
  • Circles, Conic Sections, 
  • Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Theorem, 
  • Exponential and Logarithmic Series, Mathematical Logic, Statistics, 
  • Three Dimensional Geometry, 
  • Vectors, Matrices and Determinants, Boolean Algebra, Probability, 
  • Functions, Limits and Continuity, Differentiation, Application of Derivatives, 
  • Definite and Indefinite Integrals, 
  • Differential Equations
  • Physical World and Measurement, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Electrostatics, 
  • Current electricity, Elementary Statics and Dynamics, 
  • Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, 
  • Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current, Optics, 
  • Dual Nature of Matter and Radiations, Electromagnetic Waves, 
  • Atomic Nucleus, Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body, 
  • Solids and Semiconductor Devices, 
  • Principles of Communication, 
  • Gravitation, Heat and Thermodynamics, Oscillations, 
  • Waves, Mechanics of Solids and Fluids,

IIT JAM Syllabus 2025 for Mathematical Statistics



Differential Calculus
  • Limits, Continuity and Differentiability of Functions of One and Two Variables. 
  • Rolle’s Theorem, Mean Value Theorems, 
  • Indeterminate Forms, Taylor’s Theorem, 
  • Maxima and Minima of Functions of One and Two Variables.
Integral Calculus
  • Fundamental Theorems of Integral Calculus, Applications of Definite Integrals, 
  • Arc Lengths, Double and Triple Integrals, 
  • Areas and Volumes.
Sequences and Series
  • Comparison, Root and Ratio Tests for Convergence of Series of Real Numbers, 
  • Convergence of Sequences of Real Numbers.
  • Rank, Inverse of a Matrix, Systems of Linear Equations, 
  • Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Linear Transformations, 
  • Symmetric, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem,
  • Skew-Symmetric and Orthogonal Matrices.

IIT JAM Syllabus 2025 for Statistics

Random Variables
  • Probability Mass Function, 
  • Distribution of a Function of a Random Variable, 
  • Mathematical Expectation, Probability Density Function and Cumulative Distribution Functions,
  • Moments and Moment Generating Function,
  • Chebyshev’s Inequality.
Standard Distributions
  • Geometric, Binomial, Negative Binomial, 
  • Poisson, Hypergeometric, 
  • Uniform, Beta and Normal Distributions, Exponential, 
  • Gamma. Poisson and Normal Approximations of a Binomial Distribution.
  • Axiomatic Definition of Probability and Properties, Multiplication Rule, 
  • The theorem of Total Probability, 
  • Conditional probability, 
  • Bayes’ Theorem and Independence of Events
Joint Distributions
  • Joint, Marginal and Conditional Distributions,
  • Distribution of Functions of Random Variables,
  • Joint Moment Generating Function, Correlation, Simple Linear Regression, 
  • Product Moments, 
  • Independence of Random Variables.
Testing of Hypotheses
  • Basic Concepts, Applications of Neyman-Pearson Lemma for Testing Simple and Composite Hypotheses, 
  • Likelihood Ratio Tests for Parameters of Univariate Normal Distribution.
  • Unbiasedness, Method of Moments and Method of Maximum Likelihood, 
  • Consistency and Efficiency of Estimators. Sufficiency, Factorization Theorem, 
  • Rao-Blackwell and Lehmann-Scheffe Theorems, Completeness, 
  • Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimators, Confidence Intervals for the Parameters of Univariate Normal, 
  • Two Independent Normal, and one Parameter Exponential Distributions. Rao-Cramer Inequality
Limit Theorems
  • Weak Law of Large Numbers, 
  • Central Limit Theorem. 

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